About me!

The Embodiment of Comfy Cozy Chaos

Hello! I hope you are doing WONDERFULLY WELL!

I am a (comfort?) content creator, who probably has too much energy to be classified as comforting, so we like to call it Comfy Cozy CHAOS! (We thrive off fun, a tad bit of chaos, but of course, put the safe space first, before everything else!)

I go by Sheep/Sheepy here, with He/Him and He/They pronouns, and I love indies, Story Based RPGs, Open-World Action/Adventures and rougelikes!

I am a Social Work Student, looking to get into working with young adults with disabilities :D I have other passions in Games, Media and Stories (especially LORE!), I also have had many hyperfixations, such as Pokemon, Minecraft and more recently the indie niche and music!

I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism and Sensory Processing Issues at 27 months, and then with Anxiety and Depression when I was 16, but despite this all, I strive to make a positive difference and honestly just try and make people's day better.

I reside in Queensland, Australia, I am about to enter the Customer Service side of things, and do not enough time to put into action every idea that comes into my head.

My mission is simple: to try and make even ONE person's day better through my content and actions EACH and EVERY DAY. Even if it's through the smallest of things, such as listening, and just showing love.

My goal is to just be a light to people who see themselves in darkness, or to be a friend to those who are lonely, or to be an ear when it seems no one else will listen.

I offer a positive, inclusive, engaging and welcoming safe space through the mediums of all my content, whether that be in gameplay, or just chatting. We proudly support and encourage ALL, whilst providing a (mostly) chill, comfy space for you to relax.

Of course, it wouldn't be fun without a little bit of craziness in between, we don't hold back from a little bit of energy & chaos, but we ALWAYS keep in mind the Mission, and the Space, prioritising these over fun!

In the end, I strive to just be myself, being as empowering as I can to everyone!

Know that all content on all my platforms are a Safe Space for ALL, including LGBTIQ+ and Disabled communities!

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